FormCrittogrAlberti-exNGalimbertiThis association’s aims are to promotion and spread of Leon Battista Alberti’s works, together with a deeper understanding of his family and his intellectual background. More generally, the association also aims to study the history, literature, scientific knowledge and the arts during Humanism and Renaissance.

(S.I.L.B.A.’s Statutes, art. 2)

Albertiana: Editorial

Stemma-AutografoThe publication of a new periodical is traditionally the opportunity for a short presentation or explanation of the principal subjects, methods and aims implied (often enigmatically) in the title. A few words will suffice to introduce «Albertiana». Continue reading

Why become a member

Alberti-AutoPortrait Perché significa aderire ad una tra le più attive associazioni non profit in materia di ricerca scientifica e filosofica, linguistica, storica, artistica, filologica e letteraria sui fondamenti della civiltà europea, sulla tradizione del sapere classico, sulla sua attualità, sull’Umanesimo e sul Rinascimento italiani ed europei; Continue reading